What do you really know about John Kerry and John McCain and their treatment of the POW/MIA issue?
Have you ever spoken to anyone that has been on the receiving end of one of McCain's rants? I have. Three as a matter of fact. One was actually caught on tape during the 1992 Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs.
Tell me why McCain can embrace his Vietnamese captors yet turn his back on the POW/MIA Families, many of whom were instrumental in seeing to it that he came home alive. McCain's first wife was one of them and he rewarded her loyalty with a divorce just a few years after he returned from capivity. Something that McCain has descretely kept close to the vest.
Do you know about documents that McCain and Kerry covered up during the Senate Select Committee that stated that the Vietnamese had ACKNOWLEDGED taking men into captivity that they never mentioned before? I have them and would be happy to share them with you. Here is a link to just get you started. 19 New POW cases
Maybe you should check out all of the discrepancies in McCain's story based on news reports and his very own biography before you assume that these people are, in McCain's word, "zealots", here. Ted Sampley was the man who investigated the remains that were in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington and because of his hard nosed investigating that man was identified and returned to his family. He was also a Green Beret, a tad more impressive than a Navy pilot with only some twenty hours or so of flight time. Yet McCain wants us to take his word over Sampley's when it comes to Vietnam and the POW/MIA issue.
Most don't know anything more about the POW/MIA issue than what has been spun, controled and then passed on to the MSM. If you want facts, talk to a family member of a missing man and find out their story. That is where you will get the truth. McCain and Kerry had much to gain by burying the POW/MIA issue. McCain, has regularly supported political move of his former captives; normalization of relations, re-establishing trade and membership in the WTO. He has even been photographed embracing one of the Vietamese men who pulled him from the water after his aircraft went down.

This is just the tip of the POW/MIA iceburg for John McCain ..... check back from time to time for more on the not so public side of this presidential candidate.
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US Presidemt Tim Kalemkarian, US Senate Tim Kalemkarian, US House Tim Kalemkarian: best major candidate.
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