Friday, March 2, 2007

The Desecreation of War Memorials has begun ....

I know in my last post I said I would look into more on Duncan Hunter's run for the White House but something else has taken center stage. An e-mail from a Vietnam Vet came into my inbox a few minutes ago and the title of this post says it all.

An obviously little seen story, Melanie Morgan, Chairman of MoveAmericaForward.Org tells of gruesome vandalism to some local war memorials all over the nation, here. It appears that the antiwar folks, discontented about the "Gathering of Eagles" raining on their parade by protecting the national war memorials during the upcoming March 17th antiwar rally in DC, they have decided to go after the local war memorials. The WorldNetDaily article states;

In a late January anti-war rally, a contingent of protesters broke off and spray painted the U.S. Capitol building and steps with anti-war and anarchist messages and slogans.

Anti-war protesters spray painted anti-Bush slogans and smashed glass panels at the Medal of Honor Monument in Indianapolis, Ind.

In Boise, Idaho, the son of a Democratic state senator was accused of vandalizing flagpoles and desecrating flags at the State Capitol. The flags are memorials to soldiers who lost their lives in the war on terror.

In Pennsylvania, someone attacked the South Connellsville War Memorial, destroying the lighting grid at the monument.

Another war memorial was desecrated in Vermont. A Vietnam memorial was vandalized in Chicago. The list just goes on and on.

The rage and anger that I feel inside me is like little I have felt in my life. My first thought is of the son of the Idaho State Senator, did he believe that he would get away with this because of his father's position and I want to know what this State Senator has said and done in the wake of this behavior. Events like this make we want to reinstitute corporal punishment. Not only that, I want to know what kind of son the State Senator raised, like it or not, this falls squarely on his shoulders.

I really hate to say this but the simply fact that the major media outlets have NOT picked up on this story speaks volumes. One would think that these people, these reporters who truly live under the umbrella of the freedoms that those honored by our nation's war memorials gave their lives for, they among all of us would be the first to speak out against these types of deviant behaviors, yet they have remained silent.

Let's just hope that this isn't a precursor to the antiwar ANSWER people have planned for March 17th. One thing I do know, let them go after The Vietnam Wall and all bets are off.


PastorEd said...

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your blog and emailing me. I am the Pastor from Indiana that Mark told you about.

I will email you soon!

God Bless You

and God Bless America!

Mark Harvey aka Snooper said...

Proud Infidel...I am with you. It is indeed a shame that the Leftinistra remain unchecked. It will take many a confrontation to stop the madness.

Your friend, Proud Neo-con Warmonger...see you at Victory Caucus!


Anonymous said...

For your vandalism list you should include Larry Chad Northern, the Texas real estate agent who desecrated a memorial to U.S. soldiers who died in Iraq. These vandals like Northern are the scum of the earth.